Aerial Electronics Module Inspection for the DJI Agras T50 Drone

Maintaining the Area Electronics Module of the Agras T50

  1. Introduction

    • Inspecting the area electronics module as part of annual maintenance.

  2. Checking Cable Connection

    • Ensure no scorching, corrosion, or damage to the plug where it connects to the cable distribution board.

  3. Physical Inspection

    • Check the module's body for dents, damage, or signs of impact.

  4. USB-C Cable Inspection

    • Check the USB-C cable for corrosion, scorching, and ensure the plug and threads inserts for the screws are in good condition.

  5. Heat Sink Examination

    • Verify the heat sink (thermal pad) is in good shape as it regulates temperature and prevents overheating.

  6. Maintenance Recommendation

    • Replace the aerial electronics module after 700 hours of flight as per DJII recommendations.