Arm Connector Inspection for the DJI Agras T50 Drone

Inspecting Aircraft Arm Connector for the Agras T50

  1. Purpose of Inspection

    • Ensure the aircraft arm connector is in good condition.

    • Prevent premature failure of the part.

  2. Visual Inspection

    • Look for dense, dings, or damage on the arm connector.

  3. Using a Digital Force Meter

    • Set the meter to peak and Newton's.

    • Hook it onto the aircraft arm connector.

    • Check the reading (e.g., 92.4 Newtons).

    • Specified tolerance: 80 Newtons +/- 10.

  4. Adjustment if Out of Spec

    • Adjust the connector if the reading is out of spec by turning the connection rod.

    • Ensure it falls within the specified tolerance.

  5. Inspection Process

    • Start with M1 and inspect all connectors around the aircraft.

    • Recommended inspection frequency: every month.

  6. Replacement Period

    • Aircraft arm connector replacement period: 700 hours of flight.