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Control Module Power Supply Voltage Too Low /Spinner Disk Voltage Too Low
The RC displays both Control Module Power Supply Voltage Low and Spinner Disk Voltage Low. The spreader system fails to turn on even though it is detected by the drone.
- One cause for this issue is something has shorted out within the spray module and cable distribution board communications.
- First, try to power cycle your drone to see if the error is cleared
- If the error is not cleared, unplug your spreader or spray tank, visually inspect the connection pins for damage, then reconnect the spreader tank to the drone.
- See if a voltage issue is present with both the spray tank and spreader tank.
- Spreader Control Module, this will specifically be the fix if you only are having the issue with the spreader tank.
- If the issue is not resolved, the most likely solution is to replace the cable distribution board and spray module together at the same time. Most likely the connection between the spraying module and cable distribution board is damaged and the power/signal is not getting to the spreader system via the cable distribution board.
The Spray Module and Cable distribution board tend to need to be replaced. It is crucial you do them at the exact same time. This means while the drone is off, disconnect the old cable distribution board and install the new one with the new spraying module. After replacing these parts, you will need to input the new K values on the load sensor module. You will also want to recalibrate the weight sensors both tare and weight calibrations.
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