D12000i Troubleshooting


  1. The top light is the LED status light.
    1. Blinking red usually means corrosion on the chord that exits the T40 charger held in the generator. Use contact cleaner and a brush to clean off the pins on the charger plug to fix this problem.

  1. The middle light is the DC Module LED.
    1. When the other light patterns start flashing on the DC module light usually you will need to replace the DC module.
      1. The DC Module is under the fuel tank.

  1. The bottom light is everything else in the system excluding the charging status and DC module.
    1. Usually when the generator is not charging and the middle light is yellow 4 times then pausing, the problem is that the generator has not been activated yet. 
      1. To fix this you will need to connect the T40 controller to the USB-C port on the charger in the D12000i. 
      2. Go to the drone icon at the top of the screen to open the device information screen.
      3. Under “charging devices” select the green “activate” button.
      4. This will activate the charger and it should start working properly.
    2. If the light blinks four times then pauses continuously that means that maintenance needs to be performed.