Generator Maintenance Required Code

The bottom light of the charger on the D12000i generator is blinking red four times and the generator is running incorrectly or slow charging.


  1. The generator needs maintenance based on the run time logged on the charger in the generator.


  1. Plug a T40 controller into the charger on the generator.
    1. The generator does not have to be running but you can do it while the engine is running.
  2. Click the drone icon at the top of the home screen of the Agras app on the controller.
    1. This will bring up the device information page.
  3. Look for and click on “Charging Device.” 
    1. This will open the charging device information and will allow you to see the hours on the machine,
  4. Look at the run hours on the machine.
    1. Your first oil change will be at 20 hours, then every 50 hours after.
    2. Your air filter should be cleaned every 10 hours and replaced every 300 hours or at the 1 year mark.
    3. For more information on generator maintenance please visit our generator maintenance document: Generator Maintenance Information
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the charging device information screen and see what maintenance is required.


  1. Complete the required task
    1. Changing the oil or air filter
    2. Clear the code from the previously described charging device information screen by clicking on the complete maintenance button.
  2. Check for any updates required for the generator and make sure the firmware is on the latest version.