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EAV J100
Agras T50 & T25
Agras T40 & T20P
Agras T30 & T10
General Agras Aircraft
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Mavic 3
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DJI Smartfarm
DJI Terra
ASD AutoMixer
HD408 Auto Steering System
DJI Relay
D-RTK Base Station
Dock 2
Matrice 30T
Agras T20
Website Tutorials
Geo Zone Unlocking
Blue Zones:
- Get on DJI Fly Safe
- Check Geozone map if red or blue area
- Go to Unlocking Request
- Unlock a Zone
- Fill out information screen if prompted
- Hit New Unlock Request
- Hit zone unlocking or custom unlocking
- Make sure the information is correct and then select the drone. Can select multiple drones.
- Make sure to type in your flight controller SN
- To get to this on your main screen hit the drone icon which will take you to device management. Tap the aircraft, and then find the flight controller SN listed.
- Make sure to type in your flight controller SN
- Select zone or draw area depending on the mode selected.
- Select date
- If blue zone, it is more than likely an instant acceptance, while red will take time for approval.
- Now that your unlock is accepted go ahead and begin in the controllers flight screen.
- Go into settings-aircraft settings-advanced settings-unlocking licenses
- Import the license to aircraft
Red zone
- Get LAANC approval first. (23 min mark in video)
- Same first 7 steps as Blue Zone
- Have to do custom unlocking.
- Set max altitude, check max airspace altitude
- Type in reasoning for unlock
- Upload Laanc approval for documentation.
- Will have to wait on review
Common Issues
- If you have two or more drones make sure you are using the flight controller SN for the one you would like to use.
- Make sure you are logged into the same account on the controller as you did the unlock for.
- Make sure you set the correct date, the unlock will not pop up until that date.
- Unlock has to be done by the owner, pilots accounts can be added in during the process.