Motor Backup Throttle Loss

An error has appeared that states Motor backup throttle loss. The drone has either been forced to land itself or will say to land immediately.


  1. Poor connection in either the ESC and motor or bad connection of ESC composite cable. 
    1. ESC composite cable poor connection can be to either the board it is connected to or to the ESC itself.
  2. ESC, motor, or ESC composite cable has gone bad. 
  3. Ariel electronic module is bad
    1. This is the least likely scenario.


  1. Make sure all connections related to the motor that is throwing the error are good.
  2. Make sure no cable has a cut in it and no wire is exposed
  3. Run an ESC composite cable on the outside of the arm to test if a new cable fixes the problem.
  4. Switch the ESC to another motor and arm and see if the problem follows the ESC.
  5. Put on a new motor for the one that was throwing the error.


  1. Check all the connections, if one seems loose, reconnect it, and if a cable is cut or has an exposed wire, replace it.
    1. All connections to the ESC should have screws in it, if it does not make sure to put some in.
  2. Move the ESC to another arm, if the error follows then it's a bad ESC.
  3. Replace the motor to see if it fixes the problem.
  4. If there is no bad connection, cables, motor, or ESC try an aerial electronic module.


T40 motor backup throttle loss is usually due to a bad motor or the motor not getting enough power, which would be due to a bad ESC or the ESC composite cable. Most likely one of those will solve the issue, if not replace the aerial electronics module.