Pump ESC Auto Check Failed

Impeller pump 1 and/or pump 2 esc auto check failed


  1. Clogged pumps that will not allow the ESC and motor to do their auto-check sequence. 
  2. If the pump is clean and the issue persists, the impeller pump motor is most likely bad.
  3. Bad signal wire or boards


  1. To diagnose the problem you will need to check all possible wire connections to the pumps. Check for damages such as charred marks, water damage, or bent prongs. 
  2. Once you have checked that then the next step would be to take the pumps off and then unscrew the screws in the side so you can split the impeller motor from the impeller module. Once apart, clean out the pump and impeller module.
  3. If pumps have been replaced and the issue persists follow this progression of checks,
    1. Replace signal wire, replace spraying adaptive board, replace signal cables from tank to drone, replace signal wire from drone to tank, replace cable distribution board, replace spraying module, replace aerial electronics module


  1. Clean out corrosion or caked-up materials and then assemble them back together.
  2. If cleaning does not fix the next solution would be to replace the Impeller Pump Motor. 
  3. Follow logical replacement progression.


Most frequently the issue is a bad impeller pump ESC in the motor. If both are faulty, occasionally only one motor is bad, however, recommended to order 2 to replace both just in case. There are times when the pumps are clogged and or corroded and simply cleaning the system will fix the issue. Seldomly are other parts required to solve the issue.

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