Short Circuit In Drone

When a battery is inserted into the drone, instead of turning on, the second and last light flashes twice repeatedly indicating a short in the drone or battery.


  1. Shorted battery
    1. If a battery has shorted it will light up the same way as a drone short.
  2. Bad electronic module
    1. If a module on the aircraft has gone bad it can create a short.
  3. Exposed wire
    1. If a wire has the rubber coating stripped off of it, it can create a short.


  1. Try multiple batteries.
    1. This will allow you to see if the battery has shorted or if it is in the drone.
  2. If the short is in the drone the first modules to check are the ESCs.
    1. You can check by going to the power distribution board on the rear of the drone and unplug the esc cables one at a time while trying to turn on the aircraft.
      1. If the aircraft powers on with one of the esc cables unplugged you can find the short on that arm.
    2. You can also pull off each esc and look for signs of fire damage.
  3. Check the physical condition of all wires and plugs on the aircraft.
    1. This is time consuming but necessary to ensure the short is not in the wires.


  1. Replace the shorted battery
  2. Replace the shorted ESC
  3. Replace the stripped wires
  4. If there are none of the above problems found and the aircraft still has a short, you can try the Aerial Electronics Module, Spray Module, RF Module, or either board individually to see if the short is a computer issue.