Single Point Hall Liquid Level

Single point hull liquid level error could either be because the liquid level meter is not lined up correctly or it is a software bug.

It can be an error that pops up on the drone that does not affect anything on the drone and can be ignored. 


  1. The liquid level meter is not lined up correctly.
  2. This is some software bug that will randomly get on some drones, and some drones will never see it.


  1. Make sure the liquid level meter is lined up correctly.
  1. There is a little insert piece that your Liquid Level Meter will need to be aligned on
  1. The user can downgrade firmware and that will usually get rid of it, but it does not affect the drone performance in any way.


Again this will not affect the drone and the user should not be worried about it. Downgrading firmware and upgrading will sometimes get rid of it but isn’t something that is very important and the user should continue spraying/spreading.

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