Won’t Recognize Spreader Tank

The T30 will not recognize that the spreader tank is in the drone. It will show that it is still the spraying system.


  1. The spray module and cable distribution board have gone bad.
    1. Most of the time in a T30 when the spray module goes bad, the cable distribution board goes bad with it.
      1. One of them shorts out the other.
  2. The control module on the spreader is shorted out.
  3. The signal cable from the spreader to the drone is bad.
  4. The spraying system is shut off.
    1. This will also shut off the spreader system, but you can not turn it back on with the spreader tank plugged in.


  1. If there is more than one drone, put the spreader tank in the other drone and see if it follows the tank.
  2. Unplug the spreader tank and turn the drone back on and see if the spray system is shut off.
  3. Replace the control module first.
    1. The T30 spreader control module is a known fault in the spreader system.  
  4. Make sure the signal cable from the spreader to the drone is damaged. 


  1. Replace the control module first.
    1. The T30 spreader control module is a known fault in the spreader system.  
  2. Replace the signal cables. 
  3. Replace both the cabe distribution board and the spray module.
    1. In a lot of cases if the spray module or cable distribution board goes bad one will short out the other and both will be ruined.
      1. Doesn’t happen every time but does happen a lot.


If this issue occurs, a lot of the time replacing the control module on the spreader tank will fix this issue. It is also worth trying to replace the signal cables first since it is an easy fix. If those don’t work replace the cable distribution board and the spray module. As stated earlier a lot of times one will short out the other. You can try to replace just the spray module first but there is a chance if the board is bad, it will short out the new module.