D12000i Generator Oil in Air Filter

Troubleshooting DJI D12000i Generator with oil in the air filter.


When running the DJI D12000i Generator there is oil noticed within the foam or paper air filter during general maintenance.


The breather tube from the valve cover vented backpressure with vaporized oil into the filter.
    1. There is an attached rubber tube from the valve cover of the engine (the aluminum piece on the engine with "OHV" stamped in it). This is to vent any pressure in the crankcase (where the crankshaft is and oil is stored). If there is any pressure in that it can push some oil through that tube into the airbox and air filter.
    2. This is normal to have small amounts of oil, over the course of standard operation, end up in the air box due to this reason.
    3. Oil overfilling can also cause oil to leak through the 
    4. Excessive backpressure can be noted from combustion exhaust and noticeable pressure exiting through the valve cover vent tube


Small amounts of oil in the air filter is normal and will NOT affect operation. Excessive amounts of oil (ex. oil-soaked filters, dripping oil, airbox coated with oil)