Filling out Repair Request Guide

This form must be submitted for all drone warranties. Agri Spray Drones will need sent all broken parts to complete warranty.

Key Steps for Crash: QR Flight Log is most important

  1. Open the Smart Farm app and navigate to the home screen.

  2. Select the device (aircraft) that requires repair.

  3. Click on "repair service" and then "request repair."

  4. The aircraft serial number will be automatically filled in.

  5. Describe the issue in the provided space.

  6. Upload all required pictures, including the name plate (where the serial number is located) and specific pictures from each angle. (Tap little box to actually select photos from album.)

  7. If the drone was in a crash, include a QR photo in addition to the angle photos.

  8. Select Agri Spray Drones as the service center.

  9. Submit.

  10. Once approved we will need all bad parts sent to us.

Key Steps for a Error: Video is most important

  1. Open the Smart Farm app and navigate to the home screen.

  2. Select the device (aircraft) that requires repair.

  3. Click on "repair service" and then "request repair."

  4. The aircraft serial number will be automatically filled in.

  5. Describe the issue in the provided space.

  6. Upload all required pictures, including the name plate (where the serial number is located) and specific pictures from each angle. (Tap little box to actually select photos from album.)

  7. Include photos of the error codes in one of the angled photos. 

  8. Select Agri Spray Drones as the service center.

  9. Submit.

  10. Record a video showing the error and the drone SN for proof (MUST CLEARLY SHOW THE SERIAL NUMBER ON DRONE). Send this video to with your repair number (ex. 
    Part will need sent back for us to start warranty claim.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Ensure the accuracy of the aircraft serial number.

  • Provide a detailed and clear description of the issue.

  • Include all requested pictures to expedite the repair process.

  • In case of a crash, include both angle photos and a QR photo.

  • Maintain clear communication with the repair team for any additional information needed.