How to Plot a Field on EA Vision Operator Center

1. Accessing Plot Management

  • Navigate to Apps.

  • Select Plot Management.

  • Click on the background area to start a new plot.

2. Setting GPS Location

  • Zoom in on the map.

  • Click the button labeled Map to set a GPS point based on your computer's location.

  • If necessary, adjust the location manually.

3. Adding Points to the Plot

  • Use the green plus mark to add the first point.

  • Continue adding points by moving to the desired locations and clicking the plus mark.

  • Note: Be aware of potential errors due to intersections.

4. Finalizing the Plot

  • If no obstacles are needed, click upload plot to complete the mapping process.

  • If a mistake is made, use the revoke button to remove the last point added.

5. Adding Obstacles

  • Click on the yellow dot labeled plot and select the drop-down menu.

  • Choose to add an obstacle or a no-stop.

  • Place the obstacle in the desired location on the field.

6. Uploading the Plot

  • After finishing the field, click upload plot.

  • Fill in the required information:

    • Land Name: Assign a name for the field.

    • Demand Assignment: Ensure a demand is created and selected before uploading.

    • Crop Type: Select the crop category (e.g., corn).

    • Landform: Choose from options like flat, gentle, or steep slopes.

    • Precision: Confirm the precision level and whether a power cord is available.

7. Confirming the Upload

  • Click confirm upload to finalize the process.

  • The plot will now be available for viewing, sharing, and tracking flight records.

8. Conclusion

  • For further questions about planning a plot on the EA Vision Operator platform, contact a local Agri Spray Drones dealer.