Aircraft Arm Inspection of the DJI Agras T50 Drone

  1. Purpose of Inspection

    • Monthly visual inspection, full inspection annually.

  2. Removing Foam Motor Cover

    • Start by removing the foam motor cover from the end of the arm.

  3. Loosening Arm Pin

    • Use a 16mm ratchet to loosen the arm pin, not fully removing it, just the threaded portion.

  1. Applying Thread Locker

    • Apply red or blue lock tight to the arm pin to prevent it from coming loose during the year.

  2. Checking Arm Connector

    • Test for any movement in the arm connector by moving the arm up and down.

    • If there's any play, fully remove the arm to inspect for cracks or damage.

  3. Visual Inspection

    • Inspect the arm visually for any cracks, deep scratches, or damage.

    • Check for stress fractures and address them immediately.

  4. Inspecting Motor Mounts

    • Ensure motor mounts are securely attached to the arm.

    • Check for damage to ESCs or where they are mounted.

  5. Inspecting All Four Arms

    • Repeat the inspection process for all four arms, starting with M1 and ending at M4.

  6. Replacement Period

    • The replacement period for the AGRS T-50 arm is 700 hours of flight.