J100 Spreader Calibration

1. Importance of Calibration

  • Each material requires specific calibration for accurate flow rates during operations.

2. Starting the Calibration Process

  • Access the settings tab.

  • Select the spreader icon and choose "spreader calibration."

  • Click "start calibration."

  • Add a new template for the material being used, entering the template name.

  • Note: The option for auto calibration is unavailable; proceed with manual calibration.

3. Preparing for Calibration

  • Ensure the spreader tank is completely filled with the material.

4. Performing the First Calibration (Minimum Flow Rate)

  • Start the first calibration.

  • Set calibration time (default is 50 seconds).

  • Adjust the spreader opening size to the minimum (10).

  • Begin calibration to record weight and dump material.

  • Review the recorded weight (e.g., 0.36 pounds).

  • Proceed to the second calibration.

5. Performing the Second Calibration (Maximum Flow Rate)

  • Set the calibration time to a lower value (e.g., 20 seconds).

  • Adjust the spreader opening size to the maximum (100%).

  • Start calibration to record data.

  • After completion, save the data, establishing both minimum and maximum flow rates.

6. Adjusting Calibration in the Field

  • If the spreading rate is inaccurate (e.g., trying to spread 10 pounds per acre but getting a lower rate):

    • Access the template and use the edit button.

    • Select "adjust ratio" to fine-tune the spreading rate.

    • Move the slider to compensate for discrepancies.

    • Confirm adjustments to ensure accurate as-applied data.

7. Conclusion

  • Calibration is essential for effective operation of the EA Vision J100 spreader.

  • Adjustments can be made easily in the field to maintain accuracy.