Motor/ESC Overload/Overheat

It is possible that the motor or esc have overheated, which may cause the drone to self-land.


  1. First check that you do not have third party props on, this has been seen to cause the motors and ESCs to work harder which will cause an overload. 
  2. Check the alignment of your props and motors via the motor mounts. 
  3. Environmental factors like heat and density altitude


  1. If the issue goes away it could not be a permanent issue.
    1. Monitor the temperature on motors and ESCs by feel and reduce payload.
    2. Switch ESC to a new location and see if the problem moves places or stays. 
  2. Ensure you use approved DJI propellers
  3. Fix motor mounts if angles are not correct.


  1. If it is hot out, reducing payload will reduce the workload on the drone and can help keep components cooler.
    1. Avoid long ferry flights!
  2. If the issue persists then the first step would be to replace that esc. 
  3. Next step would be either the motor or esc composite cable is causing the issue. 


This can be seen because of an excessive amount of weight for the current battery level, or bad alignment of the motor angle. If the problem persists, replace parts above.