This article is an overview of how to install and calibrate your T20 spreading system.
1. Plug in Spreader: Remove the liquid tank, top cover, and wire retainer. Then remove the sprayer plug and plug in the spreader cord.2. Remove Spinner Disk: 7mm nut on the bottom. Bracket and disk will slide off.
3. Place spreader tank on top of bucket. Make sure it is stable will not pinching cords. Using 2x4s can help.
4. Fill the tank with product. Turn the drone and remote on. Enter “Execute Operation”. Set the “Hopper Outlet Size” to desired first calibration test level. Press OK
6. Weight the contents of the bucket and divide the total weight by the amount of seconds that the spreader was ran. That will give you Pounds per second dumped at the gate opening that you set.
7. Increase or decrease the Hopper Outlet Size by 5-10% and repeat these steps, and record the total weight.
8. You can use the link below to download a spreadsheet to make record keeping easier.
- T20-T16 Spreader System 2.0 Calibration.xlsx
- After you open the link, make sure you download it to edit, and read the instructions at the top of the spreadsheet
9. Use the spreadsheet to figure out how to set your Hopper Outlet Size and speed for the appropriate rate.
10. You will have to do testing on spread pattern on your own.
11. Put everything back together. Remove spreader attachment from tank. Insert tank from top and spreader from the bottom, and re-attach. It is a good idea to put a piece of tape over the liquid suction port on the drone so that you do not get granular product inside of it.