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Troubleshooting Slow Charging Issues With The DJI Agras C8000 Intelligent Charging Station
To troubleshoot the C8000 charger to identify and resolve issues related to slow charging.
Key Steps:
Ensure you have a generator with at least 9500 running watts to fast charge the C8000.
Check the charger's software is up to date by connecting it to the RC using a USB-C to USB-A cable.
Ensure no batteries are plugged into the charger and no cables are connected at the back.
Verify the charging device highlight on your screen to check for updates.
Turn on the charger and unplug cables one at a time to identify any faulty power supplies.
Replace any faulty power supplies by removing screws and installing new ones.
Test the charger by plugging it into a 240 power source at the shop to verify functionality.
Make sure that your 240 volt power cables are properly wired for 240v and not 120v.
Cautionary Notes:
Ensure the generator meets the minimum power requirement to avoid charging issues.
Follow proper safety protocols when handling electrical components.
Double-check connections and power sources before troubleshooting.
Tips for Efficiency:
Keep track of the troubleshooting steps to pinpoint the exact issue quickly.
Document any changes or replacements made during the troubleshooting process for future reference.
Regularly update the charger's software to prevent potential charging problems.
Link to part replacement
Link for Warranty