How to upload logs on the J100

This article will show you how to upload logs on the J100 as well as what logs you need to upload for different scenarios.

Step 1: Turn on the drone and the RC.

Step 2: Make sure your device is connected to a reliable internet source.

Step 3: From the home screen select the "Logs" button on the left side of the screen.

Step 4: Select what log/logs you need to upload.

  • Crashes:
    • Upload the UAV log from the time range of the crash.
      • Select the visual data box.
    • Upload the App logs from the day of the crash.
    • Lastly upload the FPV video feed associated with that flight.
      • Individual flights from the same task will be grouped together and you will upload all of them from the range of time where the issue occurred.
  • Errors:
    • Unless specified by our warranty team, logs are not needed for errors.
  • Connection issues (non-crash related):
    • Upload the image transmission logs from the time period of the issues.

For any other assistance reach out to Tech Support at (573) 306-2818. 

For information on filing warranties on the J100: Click Here